17 March 2010

What Does a Musician Look Like?

The question is kind of tangential to the main issue at hand- playing music- but the more I think about it, the more I feel some sort of inner musical persona really struggling to get out. When I look in my closet I feel like I might have a personality disorder- there are clothes for three different people in there. One person is a fairly conservative office worker who likes lightweight sweaters, the occasional cotton blouse and pointy-toed shoes. She's the one who keeps running up the balance on my Bananacard. The second person is a martial artist with a running hobby who wears mostly fleece, stretchy, and/or black fitness wear- she's the one the sales ladies at Lucy know by first name. The third person is harder to find- she wears very casual, unexciting clothes like dark jeans and simple black shirts, occasionally raids clothing from the other two personas, and she is the one who struggles on a friday or saturday (or sometimes even wednesday) night to find something interesting to wear to a show or a club. Can we get her some help please?

When the idea of bedazzled leather pants as "rockstar clothes" was raised on FB, I realized that in this area of my life (as in all the others), I know more about what I don't like than I know about what I do like. Persona #3 needs a role model, so I'm now on the lookout for examples. It's complicated by the labyrinthian genre-ization of music styles- "rock star" is the only household word I can think of to describe music fashion, but I think my own style is closer to acoustic indie folk chick something or other with an underlying desire to rock out without really knowing how to go about it. So as much as I'm digging Joan Jett's latest leather ensemble I don't think it's going to work for me...

1 comment:

  1. Making any headway? It occurs to me that if you start with your stated base, dark jeans and a simple black top, and then accessorize with a little color and flash; fabulous shoes, chunky necklace, maybe a hat or head scarf, you could quickly and economically begin exploring some possibilities without going full on costume.
